

Good morning, everyone! I’m Masahiko Ukai, a member of the Minato District Council. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on this event, the 2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies that will be successfully held on such a grand scale.

The members of Tokai University here and I always work together for the great development of this area, Takanawa.

I really appreciate that.

Today, unfortunately, the Mayor of Minato City, Mr. Masaaki Takei, is unable to attend this meeting; however, I have got his message of congratulation, so please let me read it on behalf of Mr.Takei.


Message for the 2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies


I would like to express my congratulations on the holding of the 2017 Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies with such grandeur.

I am deeply honored that this conference, which brings together experts from all over the world, is being held in Minato City, and I warmly welcome all participants on behalf of Minato City of citizens.

Minato City is located at the center of Tokyo. It enjoys dynamic economic activity, and is at the forefront of the diffusion of culture and information. It is also home to famous sites such as the Odaiba Seaside Park, which will be the venue for the triathlon and other event in the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, as well as many historic places. Moreover, Minato City is a highly attractive municipality that has inherited and maintains many cultural traditions. Minato City is also very international. It hosts 82 embassies and 8% of its population is comprised of foreign citizens from about 130 different countries.

I invite you to seize this opportunity to enjoy the charm of Minato City and of its citizens.

Last but not least, I sincerely wish for the continued development of this conference and the good health and happiness of its members.


August 8, 2017

Masaaki Takei

Mayor of Minato City


Thank you for listening, everyone, and also thank you very much all, and very very welcome to Takanawa!



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